Recap of August Travels

Hi! We hope you all are getting into back-to-school mode. As we kick-start this busy month, we wanted to share what we have been up to for the past couple weeks. Here’s what some of our team members were doing during August recess:


Our family kicked off the month with one kid having a blast with his grandparents in CT, and the other recovering from a much needed tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy surgery (all went smoothly and we have a much quieter sleeper!). We then headed to our happy place in Bethany Beach, DE! We visited with a whole crew of family from my husband’s side, and spent countless hours by the pool and beach and taking jaunts to our favorite local spots. It was all a wonderful respite before sending Sonny off to Kindergarten and Ellis to a new preschool! Here’s a small photo sampling of some favorite memories!


As soon as August hit I got to go to southern Alberta, Canada to visit my dad's side of my family. The highlight of the trip was all the beautiful hiking in Waterton Lakes National Park! I've been going (almost) every summer since I was young but it manages to blow my mind every visit. The second-best highlight was escaping the DC humidity.


This August I visited France with one of my best friends from college. We spent several days in Paris, visiting the Louvre, Eiffel Tower, and Montmartre, and then we ventured south to spend a few days in Nice and Monaco. This was my first post-pandemic trip abroad and it did not disappoint. The weather was beautiful and it was an incredible experience!


This August I attended the Rep. Panetta LPAC Trip to Pebble Beach, California. The photo to the left is my view from lunch, overlooking the 18th hole. This was incredible trip filled with wonderful weather, food, and people to share the experience with.


We escaped the DC heat for Wellfleet, Massachusetts and spent two weeks with my parents. Henry is officially a beach baby, loving the sun, surf, sand and soft-serve ice cream! But safe to say the favorite part of his trip was the airport...


This summer, my kids and I got away two times to our favorite and happiest place on Earth: Lakeside Ohio. This little town is a throwback to easier, quieter, calmer times and the best place to recharge. We golfed, kayaked, putt-putted (is that a verb? it is now), swam and ate amazing Ohio corn (don’t @ me Iowa people). Over Labor Day, we were lucky enough to also escape to the beach. My kids are growing like weeds so I’m holding on to every memory I can make with them!


This week we want to share the story of Duane Hansen. He had been growing an 846-pound pumpkin for nearly a decade and recently hollowed it out, plopped a cooler inside and hit the banks of the Missouri River. Click the photo below to read more about his journey.